Dermal Fillers

Chief Aesthetics will replenish what you’ve lost over time, by adding volume, definition and contouring for an overall improved look.

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Dermal fillers are injectables approved for use in helping to replace volume and build structure.

Let’s smooth it out.

The usage of Dermal filler treatments are becoming more common these days, but it takes proper skill and experience to create exceptional results. On average a treatment can typically take 20-40 minutes. There is little to no discomfort, in fact many of the products are pre-packaged with an anesthetic, so only a tiny pinch is felt when injected.

It’s always important to anticipate mild swelling or bruising, which heals within 1-2 weeks. The amazing results on average last between 6-12 months and sometimes even longer, depending on a person’s metabolism and products used. Not only are certain bio stimulators used for volume replacement, but can also be used for breaking up scar tissue most commonly used for atrophic acne scarring.


  • Stimulate collagen.

  • Define and contour your facial structure.

  • Rehydrate and plump areas of choice.

  • Minimal downtime, with natural looking results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Dermal fillers are used to treat static lines (which remain on the face even when it’s relaxed) and for facial contouring. Treatment areas include:

    Tear troughs (undereye), Earlobes, Cheeks, Marionette lines (which extend from the corners of the mouth down to the chin), Nasolabial folds (lines either side of the nose), Lips, Chin & jawline, Hand (the back of), Neck, and Buttocks.

  • Fillers are anti-ageing injections which contain a gel-like substance, most often hyaluronic acid, or biostimulators (stimulate collagen) which can give the skin a rejuvenated look. When injected into the skin, dermal fillers quite literally ‘fill out’ lines and wrinkles, volumise hollow, sunken areas of the face and define and reshape facial features.

  • A week prior to your treatment, avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E and fish oil supplements as these may increase bleeding and bruising. However, if you are taking any prescribed medicines, including aspirin, do not stop taking them. Instead, chat with your provider first. Avoiding alcohol for at least one day before your treatment is also recommended. You can also start Arnica (sublingual or topical) 2 days prior to your appointment to help speed the healing process.

  • When hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers are used, results typically last for 6-18 months. The exact longevity will vary from person to person as it depends on how quickly each individual metabolizes the filler. For non-hyaluronic acid fillers, results can last for years.


 Before & After

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